
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Another Night in Paradise.....????

Sometimes Parker decides he wants to torcher me. Of course hes a baby and doing his thing but some nights he really makes me work. Last night was a perfect example. Parker went to bed right at his normal time of 9:pm . I thought i was in the clear because he was right on schedule with all his naps for the day. He had a big bottle of rice milk which sits heavy in his belly so he doesn't wake up for his midnight feedings. Well that's what i thought. Last night he woke up at 3 am squirming around and farting. So i wake up and feel is diaper make sure hes not sitting in Dodie and pee. He goes crazy right after he dumps usually. I pick him up, and yea the diapers full and I'm struggling to wake up. As i am taking off his diaper and getting him a new one i started to realize my arm and neck are getting really warm. I reach up to feel it and its wet, and then it sprays in my eye and i realize Parker has been pissing on me for a little bit now and i didn't even notice. YUUUUUUCKKKK i covered him up and waited for him to finish and then had to change all his clothes and the changing table cloth . Not to mention all my clothes which are now soaked in piss, and the poop filled diaper that landed face down on my bare foot when i jumped back to avoid the piss. Wow, so there i am to say the least soaked in piss n shit. Parker is screaming bloody murder cause hes wet from the wash cloth i wiped him down with and hes sitting on the plastic sheet on the mattress freezing. I finally get the PJ's on him and my wife is trying to talk to me wondering whats going on. "aaahhhhhhhhh" i screamed .... laughing and crying in my head. Finally i got him dialed up and got a bottle in his mouth. After finishing his bottle he squirmed around for about a half hour and finally went to sleep. What a blessing! So i get back into bed and shut my eyes for a bit. Right around 5am he's up again, squirming and crying these little cry's not loud enough to wake Lindsay up. just me! So I'm up again and changing a diaper. Luckily this time it was so soaked in piss it was almost hanging off him. which means I'm in the clear and no piss firing at me as i change him. I get him back into bed with out a bottle, (which is a first for me) and he didn't wake up again until 7;45 IN WHICH I'M UP FOR THE REST OF THE DAY. Luckily tonight its not my night and i get to sleep. I cant wait, sorry lindsay i love ya. but hellll ya.

1 comment:

  1. Well, you need to come to the conclusion that I am right when it comes to the night feedings. I had another night of blissful sleeping. Bubba woke up at 5 a.m. and I was back in bed at 5:20 am. Seriously give him the bottle first and you won't have to deal with these nights. I walk into his roon and feed him on the couch, I get up and change his diaper when he's done, and then walk to our room where I rock him to sleep. Out within minutes. PLEASE JUST TRY IT! Tonight is your night. woohooo!
